A folk singer. A basketball star. A democratic socialist. A chief justice. Chief.
And you.
What’s in a name? The OED defines a “Leveret” as:
1) A young hare, strictly in its first year: You bright eyed, bushy tailed freshman — this could be you. Sophomores have the chance to stretch out their hind legs in spacious Tower suites or newly renovated McKinlock Hall. The Towers guarantee some of the best sophomore (junior and senior) housing on campus, with huge common rooms, picture windows, and a diversity of room choice. McKinlock, or Old Lev, promises more singles and some multi-level suites post-renovation, though it will retain the old Harvard charm McKinlock has always bestowed on its river-gazing residents.
2) A spiritless person: This isn’t a fair representation of Leverett. Sure, Lev’s no Kirkland (but isn’t that mostly a good thing?). But Leverites know where they belong, just like the bunnies who live in the Towers courtyard. Lev may not have any crazy traditions (though donuts the night before the first day of exams draws students from across campus), but the incredibly involved, caring tutor staff, resident dean, and house masters easily make this house a home. Moreover, McKinlock’s renovations will address many complaints Leverites have voiced in the past in regards to lack of house community. With an expanded dining hall, more common spaces for studying and socializing, and the ever-mysterious “Light Court,” Leverites will have more places to come together than ever before.
3) A pet/or mistress: We’re the one you really want.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Lev is hosting a bunny petting zoo for all our new bunnies today! Be sure to head over to Annenberg to pet a fricking bunny.