Let’s go… Magenta?
As the Harvard Football Team celebrates 150 years, let’s look back on their history! Carly Brail ’26 (carlybrail@college.harvard.edu) went to her first Harvard Football game wearing a pin that read “Penn Rules Harvard Sucks.”
As the Harvard Football Team celebrates 150 years, let’s look back on their history! Carly Brail ’26 (carlybrail@college.harvard.edu) went to her first Harvard Football game wearing a pin that read “Penn Rules Harvard Sucks.”
We were somewhere around New Haven on the edge of the ocean when the drugs began to take hold. And by drugs, I mean sleep deprivation and caffeine. The road trip from Boston to Philadelphia to watch Harvard defend their title at Women’s Squash Nationals had only been underway for 3 hours, but we were […]
Top five songs: Carly Brail ’26 (carlybrail@college.harvard.edu) is a DJ for Hillbilly at Harvard.
The Bow and Arrow Press sits in the basement of Adams House, accessible from an interior maze of underground tunnels and an exit towards the corner of Bow Street and Arrow Street. Across the hall is Adams’ old clothing-optional swimming pool, now a theater. Adorning the walls of the pressing press are prints and posters […]
The-enemies-to-lovers trope has dominated the current era of young adult novels, in which former enemies realize their affection for each other and fall deeply in love. Contemporary culture has also specifically capitalized on forbidden love between college enemies, in online novels and in country music which appeals to listeners with deep-seated college allegiances. Conner Smith’s […]
Harvard Economics Professor Roland Fryer is famous for pushing limits. He was a part of an early wave of economists that pioneered the use of economic methods to enact real world change, striving to improve public school programs in inner cities. In 2019, Fryer was suspended due to allegations of sexually harassing five employees at […]