11.17.22: The Game

Brazil’s Fight is Our Fight
To a casual observer, the spirited crowd gathered at Harvard Square on November 6th may have seemed to be celebrating the outcome of a Brazilian soccer match, or perhaps heralding the upcoming World Cup. Yet a closer look and some knowledge of Brazilian politics would have correctly identified it not as a celebration, but a […]

Harvard vs. Yale? The Decision
For many current students, Harvard was their absolute dream school. However, it may not have been the only school to which they applied. While Harvard and Yale are competitors on the football field, they also compete when it comes to admissions. Many students applying to Harvard also apply to Yale, as the schools are comparable […]

Inside the HUA Retreat
After years of discontent about the previous student government’s ineffective management and excessive spending on an Airbnb retreat in New Hampshire, students finally dissolved the Undergraduate Council (the UC) and installed the HUA in its place last April. However, the HUA Executive Team decided that we, too, should have a retreat for officers, not only […]

Battered Feet in Pointe Shoes
“Illusions,” Harvard Ballet Company’s annual fall show which ran from Thursday to Sunday, explored its self-titled theme through 13 pieces choreographed by students and guest artists. On stage, dancers twirled and folded themselves, embodying the fluidity of “illusions” as the audience watched on with bated breath. Despite the subject of the show, the dancers made […]

The Other Football: Could it be Coming Home?
Just one day after the Harvard-Yale Football Game, a different type of football competition will be played on the other side of the world. With equally impassioned fans and historic rivalries, the FIFA World Cup 2022 will be held in Qatar from November 20th until December 18th. The World Cup is the highest-level competition for […]
The Game: Do’s and Don’t’s
This year’s Harvard-Yale game is sure to be full of novelty since the last home game of the rivalry was at Fenway Park six years ago. Unlike last year in New Haven, Harvard students will have the luxury of sleeping in their own beds on the eve of the big game, only a short walk […]

THE EFFECT of Love and Antidepressants? It’s Complicated.
The chatter dies down in The Ex, the intimate black box theater housed in the Loeb Drama Center. The atmosphere is clinical: two metal hospital beds, creaky-wheeled and almost rusty under the fluorescent lights, occupy center stage. The screen reads, “The experiment is about to begin.” Finally, the performers enter. There are only four roles […]
Pilgrims Marry Bulldogs
The-enemies-to-lovers trope has dominated the current era of young adult novels, in which former enemies realize their affection for each other and fall deeply in love. Contemporary culture has also specifically capitalized on forbidden love between college enemies, in online novels and in country music which appeals to listeners with deep-seated college allegiances. Conner Smith’s […]