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Comp the Independent

September 7: Comp Darty at 2pm!

September 8: Info Session (Time TBD)

Come to 12 Arrow Street to learn why you should comp the Indy!

General Comp Information

8 Week Comp + Indyite Week 

Comp one of four boards: Editorial, Design, Business, Operations

COMPLETING COMP is made up of:

  • Task Completion: Completing the tasks given to you by your team leaders on time (i.e, producing x amount of ideas, uploading y things on the website). Tardiness will factor in to your completion. 
  • Effort: Responding promptly to your group on Slack/text (i.e, the same day). Everyone should be checking Slack daily. 
  • Attendance: Attending group and biz/ops board meetings (if you have a reason for not attending, message your group leaders, the comp directors, or myself before the meeting).
  • Volunteering: Volunteering for tasks that staff members request on Slack (can anyone go receive something in the space/help decorate/fix this area). 
  • Communication: You must respond and communicate with your group in a timely manner.

We will review the completion of these 5 areas at the fourth week of comp before doing the first round of cuts. If you would like more insight on how you are doing at any point in the comp, please reach out to the corresponding contact below. If you have general questions about the Indy, reach out to Eliza Kimball (President) or Andrew Spielmann (Editor in Chief). 


ELLA BIKOFF | (917)-975-6424 |


EDITORIAL: NINA BERKMAN | (718)-314-0687 |

OPERATIONS: DAPHNE FEIGIN | (703)-731-4377 | 

BUSINESS: ANTHONY GOENAGA | (786)-712-3214 |

DESIGN: GABI PONIZ | (609)-955-6449 | & NATALIE MENDEZ | (818)-823-7191 |

The Four Boards


The editorial team at the Harvard Independent’s main purpose is to create content which allows for the Indy to publish weekly. Each week articles are written for sections of the issue which are News, Forum, Arts, and Sports. The articles’ themes vary per week.  It is a place where voices can be shared and heard. Writers have the autonomy to pitch what they would like to write in relation to Harvard and current events. The editorial team publishes many types of content, besides articles, such as crosswords, and photography. In order to join the editorial team 3 pieces of content are required to be created over the comp. We suggest 1 piece every 2 weeks. This includes mostly articles but a podcast, crossword, or reel can count. 



The business team at The Harvard Independent is responsible for the financial stability and growth of our beloved newspaper. Among its functions, the team conducts outreach campaigns to potential advertisers, identifying companies that would benefit from promoting their products or services within our pages. They initiate and maintain relationships with these businesses, conducting meetings to understand their needs and how the newspaper could best help fulfill these. In addition to finalizing deals, the business team collaborates with other teams to integrate new advertisements into the newspaper.


The operations team is responsible for handling all of the logistics related to the publication and promotion of the Harvard Independent newspaper and other initiatives. The operations team plays the essential role of ensuring the smooth interior functioning of the newspaper. Each week, the team ensures that the newspaper is published and distributed to as many readers as possible and works to optimize the publication and delivery processes. The operations team also encompasses all of the Harvard Independent’s social media, podcasting, and archival projects. Members of the operations team regularly create and push content to the Independent’s social media platforms and podcast network. They also work closely with the tech team to ensure that information stays up-to-date and accurate on the website.