This Time Next Year
I will snap my driver’s license in two and try to forget where it came from. I won’t smile in my next photo. I will stop being palatable to the apparatus of the state and adopt a new state to tell myself I’m safe in this body. My hands are still sticky with honey drawn in the shape of the […]

All Time Phi-Low
HBOCome and HBOGo! By HUNTER RICHARDS All good things must come to an end. Here I am pondering whether it was better to have HBOGo and lost, or to have never HBOGone at all. I know it’s not quite over yet but I know I’m not going to be ready September 15th when I lose you. Waiting until the first round […]

House Upon A Hill
Winthrop opens anew as a leading example. By HUNTER RICHARDS Picture provided by Francesca Cornero Following a year-long renovation as part of the River House Renewal Program, Winthrop House welcomed in its residents this August for move-in. Along with becoming more accessible for its residents, the house saw its common spaces revamped and innovative […]
By JASPER FU When the calm voice of the pilot clicks out over the intercom, it is always the same; whether delivered in lilting French or clipped German it is the voice of a man self-collected, professional, and bored. There is none of the anticipation that you the traveller feel at seeing the illuminated seatbelt […]
Successful Succession
Goodbye, Drew! Hello ____! By MEGAN SIMS With the start of this school year came a big announcement: Drew Faust will step down as President of Harvard University. Faust’s reign, beginning in 2007, was marked by waves of student protest, social unrest, and massive change at the university. From Occupy Harvard to Divest protests to […]
A Post-Grad Not Spent Consulting
How to become a part of the Harvard Teaching Fellows. By CAROLINE CRONIN How did you decide to do HTF and at what point at the end of senior year/near graduation did you decide to do it? How is it complimentary to your undergrad career and in what ways is it totally different? What cool faculty […]
Little Legs
By Abigail Koerner The light flickers on to reveal the creatures hiding in the dark. Our outfit choices day-to-night; their visibility night and day. Hair curled and cheeks pink, we ladies venture outward and onward. With itty bitty steps, they take our places. Click and clack our heels march away. “Oops, I forgot to […]