Symposium of Culture
Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble. By MARISSA GARCIA I, nine-years a cellist, met and hugged Yo-Yo Ma, Harvard Alumnus Class of ‘73, after his concert with the Silk Road Ensemble Tuesday, September 26th at the Oberon. I was hugging the Redefiner of chamber music. It is not certain what now is the modern […]

Why Run if you Can Speed-Walk (or Shuttle)?
Seniors running for Class Marshal hope for their classmate’s votes while never fully explaining what a Class Marshal does. By HUNTER RICHARDS Having the Senior Class Marshal elections, complete with Facebook events pleading for your votes and texts from the kid in your freshman entryway guilt-reminding you of how they taught the whole floor how […]

DACA and Protest
The discussion continues. By PULKIT AGARWAL The campus has seen an appreciable increase in protests following the Trump administration’s decision to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) initiated under President Obama. The Indy got a chance to speak with protesters about their motivations and the responses that they have received from the student […]

Why We Play
Intramurals and interested students. By TUSHAR DWIVEDI “Can’t, busy,” I heard, over and over again, to the same question I’d been asking around my house for the past few hours: “want to play IM ___ tonight?” The blank could have been soccer, volleyball, or any number of intramural that Harvard offers, but regardless of […]

In the Rain
By ABIGAIL KOERNER When we were on our way home it started to rain. I ran off in my direction and you in yours while it started to pour. And, oh, did it pour! It rained like crazy and I was drenched. My glasses were impossible to see through; clothes were plastered to my skin; […]
The Watch
By JASPER FU It wasn’t very important, I suppose. A two-dollar watch probably worth half that; an impulse purchase as I waited and wondered for the hundredth time how much time I had spent waiting and wondering. Besides, it matched my jacket: an ugly, bright red gift from a well-meaning cousin. I put it on […]

Tell Me More!
New season, new questions. By KELSEY O’CONNOR Next Friday the Independent will launch Season Two of its inaugural podcast Tell Me More. This season Tell Me More will continue to share the stories of the people we walk by each day in the Yard, but we will be asking about childhood dreams. When you were […]

We Want to Give Back Too
Public service summer funding and the difficulties that come with being low-income. By ALAYA AYALA To have a summer job or to volunteer? That is the question – whether ‘tis nobler to work to pay your bills, or to work in public service without an income, is the never-ending battle that low income students […]