Engi-Queering: To Be SEAS but Not Heard
By HUNTER RICHARDS Engineering is hard. Struggling with your identity is hard. Navigating how you fit into the engineering community as a whole is hard. Not relating to the majority of your classmates, professors, or leaders in your field because you can’t find your background represented enough is hard. Trying to graduate with an […]

Me, Too
Anonymous or not, I am a statistic. You know me: you see me at study breaks, you sit by me in the dining hall, you work on homework with me. But you don’t know what I haven’t told you, even as many of our peers come forward about their own history with sexual assault. Readers: […]

Harvard and the Myth of Meritocracy
How meritocracy operates as an attractive illusion in American culture. By SEGAN HELLE It was December 12, 2016, around three o’clock in the afternoon. I was sitting in my dad’s classroom – he was the only teacher for my high school’s Theory of Knowledge course – which was a requirement for me to earn […]

Degrees of Perfection
Rowing on the Charles. By ABIGAIL KOERNER I want to remember this moment forever: the sun setting over water like melting icecream dripping down the side of the perfect cone. It is so sweet to be here as the wind blows through the tiny hairs abandoned by my ponytail holder and left to dangle there at the nape of […]

Redoubling Efforts
ICAMS organization buckles down for a new year after successful spring conference. By CAROLINE CRONIN Last spring, senior Diana Sheedy organized the Intercollegiate Coalition Against Modern Slavery (ICAMS) and hosted a conference here at Harvard to address and break down the horrors of modern slavery and exploitation. This year, Sheedy’s dedicated group redoubles their efforts […]
The Best Part
By JASPER FU I always loved the best part of travelling to San Francisco of bouncing impatiently in a rattling SUV down a rattling highway a child eager and in search of the pastel houses and twisting streets are we there yet, Dad that mark the City. Perhaps it has not the cobblestone gravitas […]

A Fearless Female and Fragments on the Fringes of Language
A short feature on America’s first National Youth Poet Laureate and Harvard sophomore, Amanda Gorman. By CLAIRE PARK Speaking with exuberant energy and a measured musicality, Amanda Gorman rifles through her latest journal, a treasure trove of what she considers “delicious” words. It’s one among the others she has collected for each year since […]