i and my sensations
glazed walls / hazy still-shots around the room: how to slice birthday cake / spilled drink / sit by me / satin, sour patch, kisses, cables / and seconds, staggered seconds / berry adolescence / all this in black and blue air sinking, breathing / like a merry go round / these walls are warm […]
The Key to The Perfect High
Ah, the quest for the perfect high. It’s a pursuit as old as time, and one that has confounded stoners for generations. But fear not, dear reader, for this guide will help you on your journey to getting really, really baked. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to achieving the perfect high. Different strains, different methods […]
The Paradox of Painlessness
They say it offers insouciance: Like Granny Smith apples soaked In peanut butter, It’s ever-adored. It may only be a guise: A parched rose wrapped In a bouquet of April tulips. I myself am uncertain: The prison sentences are ghastly, There’s no question. But does it really infuse Our tired, debilitated selves with painlessness? * […]
A Tour of the FDR Suite
Tucked into a corner of B-entryway in Adams House’s Westmorly Court is the ornately decorated former room of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Class of 1904. Stepping into the Victorian architecture of Adams House in and of itself evokes a bygone era, but the FDR suite, replete with reconstructions of each room, is a genuine blast […]

Review of the High
Baked. Stoned. Faded. Zooted. Melted. These are just some ways of saying you are absolutely, 100% high. Now, being high is great, but the method of attaining this elevated state is arguably the most important part. Here I will be reviewing a myriad of ways to get high, from the standard joints and pens to […]
Weed – The Ultimate Academic PED
Sir Lancelot: 2.5% of Americans smoke weed every day. We are two of them. We don’t mean purely recreationally, either. This school year, we have smoked before going to the gym, working on Math 55 problem sets, or even showing up for midterms and final exams. Our results speak for themselves; we both have near […]

To Study My Mind
What is the best way to study your own mind? See your psychiatrist and ask them for their opinion? Get a brain scan? An EEG? Read neuroscience papers? Smoke weed and watch your thoughts as they float on alpha waves? Take a psychedelic drug and meet your demons? There are arguments for each conjecture. Today’s […]

Smoke and Mirrors
Weed use on campus remains a somewhat open secret—or at least an open smell—depending on the rooms in some dorms. Psychedelics are less common by comparison but still see some use among some student subgroups on campus according to the Independent’s prior investigations. Yet, despite the breadth of changes around Massachusetts state law and a […]

Down Bad Not Under
It is safe to say that most forms and variations of smoking weed are generally socially acceptable. Whether you desire to light up at a park with your friends, smoke a bowl before a yoga class, or get violently high and watch a live action Disney movie, recreational marijuana has developed into an activity we […]

Cannabis Legalization Through a Racial Lens
“We’ll have edibles for you on the way out,” moderator Khalil Gibran Muhammad jokingly promised at the start of the Institute of Politics JFK Forum Event on Wednesday, April 12th. Though the discussion did not end with edible goodie bags, it did discuss the ramifications and historial path of the racialization and legalization of cannabis […]
A Letter From the Editor
Dear Readers, In 1969, the Harvard Independent was established as a platform on campus for students to freely voice their opinion against a commonly biased public narrative. Student protests due to the Vietnam War sparked a cascade of on-campus political and social involvement, giving rise to the Independent’s role as a Counterpoint. Since then, Independent […]