Indigenous Peoples’ Day
Celebrated at Harvard. By HUNTER RICHARDS Native Americans at Harvard College (NAHC) celebrated Indigenous Peoples’ Day (IPD) October 9th. Following a public demonstration celebrating indigenous culture, guests were welcomed to join members for a dinner of indigenous food. The event also allowed demonstration of the student group’s petition against the University’s primary recognition of the holiday […]
A Cup of Morning Joe
A town hall at IOP. By MALCOLM REID For the first time, the Institute of Politics hosted a Harvard town hall this week, with our visiting fellows Joe Scarborough and Mika Brezinski (whose name gives my autocorrect an aneurysm). A brilliant idea on their part, this event allowed for students to converse with speakers […]

Heard in The Yard
Words collected at the Sever Whisper Arch, Widener steps, and even the Statue of the Three Lies… By INDY STAFF “Actually, I got his dad drunk and pretty angry…” “I mean, I’d f*$#k a pig to save hostages, wouldn’t you?” “Her mom was at the party with us and had some […]

Caffeinate Me Crazy
By ABIGAIL KOERNER In my favorite room of every house My friend often stays Filling up empty cups on horrible empty days! He is so kind, my friend… His duty well known He brews and coos ‘til he isn’t needed any more Water flows into the perfect spot Where it bubbles and broils and trickles down into the pot Flip […]
Thanking You
By ABIGAIL KOERNER Thankful for the laughing, the smiling Making me crazy Setting me free A girl being a girl A girl being me Thankful for your smile How it makes me want to smile back How you grin from ear to ear Smiling worth a thousand words Words I seem to lack Thankful […]

To Be a Pioneer
Next Customer Please, a Harvard-Radcliffe Dramatic Club play, premieres and invites you to be a member of its first audience. By MARISSA GARCIA There is something inexplicable about witnessing a show that is on the precipice of premiere. There is no plot line with which we are familiar… no preconceived notions or expectations about when […]

Health at Harvard
Photo Story: Mental Health Day Photos and CPR in The Yard. By FRANCESCA CORNERO

Living Bi-Curiously Through Others
Thoughts on Coming Out Day. By HUNTER RICHARDS There is an irony in Coming Out Day being within the same month as Halloween. Just when you start thinking about what costumes you could pull off, you’re reminded of the longest running character you pretended to be. Pretending to be straight was the longest scam I’ve ever […]

A review of Happy Death Day. By CLAIRE PARK The Brattle Theater and the Harvard College Film Festival generously held a free showing of Universal’s soon to be released movie Happy Death Day for college students looking to enjoy a new horror movie in a classic Cambridge venue. The movie is out in theaters on Friday, the 13th of […]

Some awkward coming out moments. By ALAYA AYALA The first time I came out of the closet, I tripped and landed on my face. That moment has crystallized in my mind. I see it through cracked rose-colored glasses. Bittersweet and fragile, and hilarious for all the wrong reasons. I came out for the first time […]