The 2017 Counter Culture Issue
After last year’s debut of the Harvard Independent’s Counter Culture Issue, you can count on the Indy to ask the questions no other campus publication will. No other publication, at Harvard or elsewhere, had attempted to quantify the reach and depth of these often-discussed topics in a campus setting until the Indy’s 2016 Counter Culture […]

Counter Culture Features
The Harvard Independent is proud to share the submissions received from Harvard students showcasing their own forms of body modification.

It’s Only Skin Deep, Fam
“I would get a tattoo but I don’t know what I would get a tattoo of.” By HUNTER RICHARDS Do you feel personally attacked by this already? Have you or someone close to you found themselves in need of dragging recently? This is the piece for you! You’ve tried some wild stuff since coming to […]

Peace by THC
By ABIGAIL KOERNER Concrete steps down into a woodland escape were my favorite place to walk. I’d hop skip and jump down to where they ended and the dirt and grass began. Trees billowed out overhead to guard my body from any sunlight which could have blinded me. Behind sunglasses, I’d look up and gaze […]

Wildest Experience on Drugs?
Doing acid and staying up for 36 hours straight to write a final paper. Being on LSD while on a farm tour with my mom. Took an edible on a plane, saw the world split in half. Taking shrooms at the beach in Mexico and feeling intimately connected to the sand, couldn’t stop touching it. […]

A Night With the Record Hospital
An inside look at WHRB’s weekday punk rock radio program. By SEGAN HELLE It is 2 A.M. on a Thursday night. Ana Georgescu ’20 begins setting up her laptop on a desk fixed with a microphone, a couple computer screens, turntables, and a soundboard. The studio is small and is outfitted with a few chairs and a couch. […]

Belly Button Piercing Woes
But not the kind you think they are. By ALAYA AYALA The cold February day I got my belly button pierced, I hadn’t been planning on doing it. My mom had two coupons for free piercings, and she asked if I wanted to use one. I was a bit surprised at first, but like any reasonable, broke […]

Clumsy Drug Use or Acid Tripping?
By ANONYMOUS I love a good spontaneous vacation and my acid trip was no exception. I hadn’t even had a chance to renew my passport before the most impulsive drug trip of my life. You ever wondered what the mind thinks on drugs? Let me tell you. We took acid at around 12:57 am, […]

Tat-Too Tired For This
Breaking my mother’s heart only cost $120 but was still much cheaper than therapy. By HUNTER RICHARDS The old saying goes, “Sticks and stones will break your bones, but words inked into your skin breaks-your-mother’s-heart-honestly-how-could-you-do-this-to-your-family.” You can try to keep that ink to yourself and hide it from all the parents and potential employers you encounter, […]

Staying True to Counterculture
Remembering the political origins of counterculture. By SEGAN HELLE The story of American counterculture is well-known. Rooted in sixties era fears and frustrations, counterculture arose as a challenge to American politics and culture. Youths began to reject imperialist Cold War policies and continued intervention in Vietnam. They were disenchanted with social values of materialism […]