Artists and non-artists alike have spent more free time than normal in their heads and homes this year, with little to occupy the overactive young adult mind.

Many have turned to pen and paper, collage, stamps, and even henna to release pent-up emotion or begin a passion they have always wanted to pursue. Without the constraints of a project goal, students can roam the unknown potential of the word “art.” Nothing is ever truly unfinished and yet nothing ever complete. Relieve the pressures of an assignment outline, and harness true creativity. No matter one’s experience in the art world or how many sets of crumpled acrylic paint tubes they may own, whatever flows from the hand is art in the moment, for it is an expression of self.

This piece is a compilation of unintentional, unfinished, and wonderfully unclassified art that together, make a collage of “mistakes.” People often say that in the art world, there is no such thing as mistakes. On the contrary, mistakes do exist as we are human, and instead of labeling the word as taboo, we must rejoice in its beauty.

Kate Tunnell ’24 ( hopes you’re looking at your doodles or scribbles under a different light.