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1 Comment

  1. Richard Straka
    July 18, 2016 @ 2:47 am

    As your Geometry teacher in high school, I am also walking in your shoes through the country of my grandparents. My Bohemian family also was poor although my father had a good factory job as a machinist at Western Electric, maker of Bell Telephones. As long as I can remember he worked 56 hours a week to support my mom, sister and me. I too was the first in my family to attend college and have a career. In 1993 I was able to travel to Slovakia and Prague to chaperone my son’s select ice hockey team…my first and only trip to Europe. I have been able to give my son more than what my parents were able to give me. It’s the reason people immigrate to America. Congrats to you, Gabby. You are living the American Dream. Those who work hard have the opportunity to do better than our parents and give even more to our children, no matter what country our families came from. You are also correct to take full advantage of and not waste that opportunity. I am happy for you and proud of you. Keep up the good work.