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  1. catchmysoul7
    October 12, 2014 @ 10:10 pm

    Back in biblical days, people lived in caves and ate rats for dinner. They didn’t know the earth was round. How much do we think they knew about human sexuality?

    The scriptures were written by heterosexual men – not Jesus, not women, not gay men – but mere mortal heterosexual males who probably had the same fears as anyone in this modern age who doesn’t like people who are different than they are. Nature puts gay people on this planet. There will always be gay babies – maybe to cut down on over-population, maybe to cut down on the aggression of heterosexual males that lead us into wars every twenty years, etc. Edit out or ignore the anti-gay prejudice in the bible and Christianity’s problem with the issue will disappear.

    Which brings me to my own personal theory: people who don’t ignore the anti-gay prejudice in the bible, don’t like gay people. I’m a Christian and I have never paid attention to it.

    When asked about gays, gay marriage and the Baptist Church, Rev. Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary recently said that “we would indeed have to overturn two thousand years of the church’s teaching on sex and marriage and apologize for the horrible embarrassment of being wrong for so long.”

    The smart move would be to admit to that mistake. Modern science is coming closer and closer to proving that homosexuality has a genetic component. Wouldn’t it be wiser for a church to admit it’s mistake now, with dignity, rather than later…when it is forced to?